Monday, March 28, 2011

Another 2.4lbs Bite the Dust

"Another one bites the dust (da-da-da)
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust"...  Thank you Queen.

I was totally shocked this week, in a good way.  I should have been more prepared, but I was caught off guard when I weighed in yesterday and lost 2.4 pounds.  I thought I was past the big losses, but apparently they are still here!  I realized I was so caught off guard because I was just living life and not being laser focused on how much I weigh every other day and what I am eating.  I am basking in proudness, if that is even a word.  I was thinking I would have more time before my (30 pound loss milestone) mini makeup makeover, but I may need to get crack-a-lackin' on deciding which product line I would like to buy.   :-)~

I have mentioned before that I have a crazy dog.  This remains a true statement.  On Wednesday she apparently partially tore her crucite tendon/ligament in her right hind, and we really have no idea how.  If there is a way to do something crazy like tear off toenails or tear her crucite, apparently she will find a way.   I had the pleasure of spending Thursday morning at the vet, but luckily we are just on 2 week bed rest and not scheduling surgery right now.  I am hopeful that we can give it time to heal, and skip all of the messy details. 

This 2 week doggy bedrest means that she will miss her daily walks, which was apparently very traumatic for her today.  I met one of my wonderful neighbors for our normal early AM walk (sans dog) and Brant said that she was so upset that I left her she was sitting in the bed and howling like a hound dog.  I am not sure I have ever heard her howl or bay or whatever it's called...  I feel so sad because she loves her morning walks with Duke.   Hopefully we will be back in action in a week and a half and she can get back to her beloved walks.  Poor little pup pup.

I am starting to feel like poor little Rivanna when I miss my walks and other exercise now.  I don't howl, but my body sure does get cranky! 

One of the many great things about this journey that I am on is the empowerment.  It is empowering to realize that you have ownership over how much you move and what you shove in your face (yes, I know this should be obvious, but it isn't always).  I am proud to say that of the 13(ish) weeks that I have been a weight watchers member, all of my weigh ins have resulted in a loss.  That is awesome to think that I have only lost weight for the last 3+ months.   I really am happy with where I am and all of the work and will power that it took to get here. 

Kicking ass and taking names.

Peace out from the not so biggest girl on the still smallest legs.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mexican before weigh in?

I am apparently getting uppity with these weigh-ins since I feel it is acceptable to eat sodiumlicious Mexican dinner a mere 15 hours pre weigh in. Really? So much for a big loss this week! As long as I don't gain, I'll be a happy camper.

I finally honored my non food related reward for my 20lb loss... A salon visit. My hair was a hot mess, but I had somehow managed to wait more than 12 weeks. It felt great today to know how much I deserved those blonde highlights and the trim which was more like a 2 inch clean up. I didn't even mind staying there for like 5 hours. I think I'll do a full on hair makeover at 40lbs because 30lbs is a make-up makeover!!! Fun!!!

I have a confession....

No, I didn't buy those reese's eggs that I walked by 10 times today... Its much better than that... I have been looking in the mirror a lot lately. I used to avoid them like the black plague, but I kinda am starting to like them, and am actually seeking them out. Weird. Very weird. I can tell such a different in my body that I like to inspect what seems different or smaller. I'll take this time to thank baby jesus that my gut is going fast.

If you remember in one of my first ever posts I referred to my grown man beer gut.... Well, I am happy to report that it's rapidly going away. I may even get aggressive and say that the actual beer gut is almost gone. GONE. GOnE. gone. Hheeeeelllllll yeah!

Life seems better when you dont feel like a cow trying to fit into adequate clothing that is soooo 2 years ago.

If you want to lose weight, go get in the car and drive to your nearest weight watchers location. You will not regret it.

Peace out from the soon to be skinny chick.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Cloud 9

I am on cloud 9. I feel fabulous!!!!  Pass the wine!

I woke up the other morning and when I stretched, and only when I stretched, I FELT A RIB BONE!!!! Yes, like a bone that's under your skin and fat! Clearly, the only conclusion that you can draw here is that I have less fat to buffer my bones. Sa-WEEET!  I didn't realize I had a skeletal structure under my fluffy body, who knew?

I am doing a great job with diet and I have been exercising as time allows - about 1 hour, 3-4 times a week give or take a few days. Dinner is pretty easy these days, and the funny thing is that when I go to the grocery store I don't even have internal battles with the bag of chips or some chocolaty little piece of heaven.  I now just walk right by and really don't even give it thought.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes I dream about Reese's eggs and wake up with drool all over my pillow.  Coincidence?  maybe....

OMG.  I have news.

The mid grade couture that has shunned me for the last 28 years of my life is starting to warm up to me.  When I say it is starting warm up I mean that it is FITTING!!  My hubbs and I stopped in for some outlet shopping on our way home from NC and it was a good stop.  I used to look at all the racks and curse the cute clothes for being cute and too small for one of my boobs to fit in.  Well my friends, things are looking up.  I purchased 5 articles of clothing from Banana Republic and Ralph and all of them were in a size 12!!!!  Can you believe it?  That isn't even the biggest size that they sell!!!  Holy Shit!  Excuse my french mom.

I seriously fit into everything I tried (except for the experimental size 10 at Banana)...  I didn't have an expectation that I would fit into that one, but there was a part of me that would have burst through the dressing room doors and run around naked telling everyone that I just fit into a size 10.  Luckily for everyone in the store, the 10 didn't zip.

I used to purchase clothing based on 1 criteria - if it fit.  I honestly had to stop myself from buying everything I had with me in the dressing room because my god I have never had such a smorgasbord of clothing options that I liked and that fit. 

Well, my WW plan is on target. I am eating well, I have lost about 22 lbs, I have hit my 10% target, and although I have a long road ahead I must say that it feels fine. I don't mind that I am months away from my goal. If I can spend these next few months continuing to get into my new eating and exercise groove - just think about how much better the rest of my life will be.

I will be a skinny bitch.

Peace out from the (not so much anymore) biggest girl with the smallest legs.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Almost 10% Baby!

I have never given 10% much attention.

10% of a dollar is only 10 cents, and 10% of 100 is only 10 dollars... 10% of a pizza is more pizza than I have had in months!! And seriously, if something is 10% off in the store, I don't look twice because it's almost like paying full price (I am a bargain diva).

So when is 10% important to me? WHEN IT'S ME!

I am knocking at the door of my 10% weight loss! OMG. KNOCKING HARD! I am hovering about .6 of a pound away from this milestone, and I am really working to hit it at my weigh in this week. Seriously, so exciting! This may be more weight then I have ever lost consecutively. Sad, I know... but better late then never! It's when you reach milestones like this that you realize you are really making a serious difference in your body and health.
From our very own,, losing just 10% can do the following:

  • Give you a healthier heart
  • Lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Give you more PEP in your step
  • Give a mental edge
  • Provide a reality check for remaining weight loss

I definitely feel the pep, less aches, and a mental sharpness. I am hoping that I have given the gift of health to my heart.

I gave myself a non food related reward for 10% and that was a good hair trim and highlight. I would normally do this every 6 weeks, but I made my poor hair suffer a long 9 weeks while I lost that 10%. I will surely enjoy my trip to the salon much more now. And I am sure that I will be charged double for the sad state of affairs that my hair is currently in.... I'm planning another big salon day at 20% (with an added bonus massage!).

Today I tell you that you can lose weight if you want. It doesn't matter if you are 40, 50, 60, 70, etc - years old or pounds overweight. You can do it. It is about AA (not alcoholics anonymous) - Awareness and Accountability. Be aware of what you are shoving down your throat and be accountable to someone or something.

Peace out from the (not so much anymore) biggest girl on the smallest legs.