Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mexican before weigh in?

I am apparently getting uppity with these weigh-ins since I feel it is acceptable to eat sodiumlicious Mexican dinner a mere 15 hours pre weigh in. Really? So much for a big loss this week! As long as I don't gain, I'll be a happy camper.

I finally honored my non food related reward for my 20lb loss... A salon visit. My hair was a hot mess, but I had somehow managed to wait more than 12 weeks. It felt great today to know how much I deserved those blonde highlights and the trim which was more like a 2 inch clean up. I didn't even mind staying there for like 5 hours. I think I'll do a full on hair makeover at 40lbs because 30lbs is a make-up makeover!!! Fun!!!

I have a confession....

No, I didn't buy those reese's eggs that I walked by 10 times today... Its much better than that... I have been looking in the mirror a lot lately. I used to avoid them like the black plague, but I kinda am starting to like them, and am actually seeking them out. Weird. Very weird. I can tell such a different in my body that I like to inspect what seems different or smaller. I'll take this time to thank baby jesus that my gut is going fast.

If you remember in one of my first ever posts I referred to my grown man beer gut.... Well, I am happy to report that it's rapidly going away. I may even get aggressive and say that the actual beer gut is almost gone. GONE. GOnE. gone. Hheeeeelllllll yeah!

Life seems better when you dont feel like a cow trying to fit into adequate clothing that is soooo 2 years ago.

If you want to lose weight, go get in the car and drive to your nearest weight watchers location. You will not regret it.

Peace out from the soon to be skinny chick.


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