Friday, March 25, 2011

Cloud 9

I am on cloud 9. I feel fabulous!!!!  Pass the wine!

I woke up the other morning and when I stretched, and only when I stretched, I FELT A RIB BONE!!!! Yes, like a bone that's under your skin and fat! Clearly, the only conclusion that you can draw here is that I have less fat to buffer my bones. Sa-WEEET!  I didn't realize I had a skeletal structure under my fluffy body, who knew?

I am doing a great job with diet and I have been exercising as time allows - about 1 hour, 3-4 times a week give or take a few days. Dinner is pretty easy these days, and the funny thing is that when I go to the grocery store I don't even have internal battles with the bag of chips or some chocolaty little piece of heaven.  I now just walk right by and really don't even give it thought.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes I dream about Reese's eggs and wake up with drool all over my pillow.  Coincidence?  maybe....

OMG.  I have news.

The mid grade couture that has shunned me for the last 28 years of my life is starting to warm up to me.  When I say it is starting warm up I mean that it is FITTING!!  My hubbs and I stopped in for some outlet shopping on our way home from NC and it was a good stop.  I used to look at all the racks and curse the cute clothes for being cute and too small for one of my boobs to fit in.  Well my friends, things are looking up.  I purchased 5 articles of clothing from Banana Republic and Ralph and all of them were in a size 12!!!!  Can you believe it?  That isn't even the biggest size that they sell!!!  Holy Shit!  Excuse my french mom.

I seriously fit into everything I tried (except for the experimental size 10 at Banana)...  I didn't have an expectation that I would fit into that one, but there was a part of me that would have burst through the dressing room doors and run around naked telling everyone that I just fit into a size 10.  Luckily for everyone in the store, the 10 didn't zip.

I used to purchase clothing based on 1 criteria - if it fit.  I honestly had to stop myself from buying everything I had with me in the dressing room because my god I have never had such a smorgasbord of clothing options that I liked and that fit. 

Well, my WW plan is on target. I am eating well, I have lost about 22 lbs, I have hit my 10% target, and although I have a long road ahead I must say that it feels fine. I don't mind that I am months away from my goal. If I can spend these next few months continuing to get into my new eating and exercise groove - just think about how much better the rest of my life will be.

I will be a skinny bitch.

Peace out from the (not so much anymore) biggest girl with the smallest legs.


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