Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Almost 10% Baby!

I have never given 10% much attention.

10% of a dollar is only 10 cents, and 10% of 100 is only 10 dollars... 10% of a pizza is more pizza than I have had in months!! And seriously, if something is 10% off in the store, I don't look twice because it's almost like paying full price (I am a bargain diva).

So when is 10% important to me? WHEN IT'S ME!

I am knocking at the door of my 10% weight loss! OMG. KNOCKING HARD! I am hovering about .6 of a pound away from this milestone, and I am really working to hit it at my weigh in this week. Seriously, so exciting! This may be more weight then I have ever lost consecutively. Sad, I know... but better late then never! It's when you reach milestones like this that you realize you are really making a serious difference in your body and health.
From our very own, weightwatchers.com, losing just 10% can do the following:

  • Give you a healthier heart
  • Lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Give you more PEP in your step
  • Give a mental edge
  • Provide a reality check for remaining weight loss

I definitely feel the pep, less aches, and a mental sharpness. I am hoping that I have given the gift of health to my heart.

I gave myself a non food related reward for 10% and that was a good hair trim and highlight. I would normally do this every 6 weeks, but I made my poor hair suffer a long 9 weeks while I lost that 10%. I will surely enjoy my trip to the salon much more now. And I am sure that I will be charged double for the sad state of affairs that my hair is currently in.... I'm planning another big salon day at 20% (with an added bonus massage!).

Today I tell you that you can lose weight if you want. It doesn't matter if you are 40, 50, 60, 70, etc - years old or pounds overweight. You can do it. It is about AA (not alcoholics anonymous) - Awareness and Accountability. Be aware of what you are shoving down your throat and be accountable to someone or something.

Peace out from the (not so much anymore) biggest girl on the smallest legs.


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