Thursday, January 20, 2011

929 Miles from Richmond, Virginia to Key West, Florida

And I am going to ride those miles on my bike in spinning class.  929 MILES.  This is not some crazy thing that I schemed on my own.  As much as I would love to spin for 929 miles without any motivation at all – I do have some from my gym.  They are sponsoring this contest, and the goal is to see who can get there first, or who can hit 929 miles rather. 

  • The contest begins on January 31st
  • There will be 3 bikes that secretly have odometers, and your overall miles for each class will come from the average of what those 3 little buggers read
  • There is supposedly a prize for winning, but I am not yet sure what that is – I would like to say it is an all expense paid trip to Key West, but I am pretty sure that is not the case
  • I don’t know how in the H.E. double hockey sticks I plan to spin 929 miles, but I have already signed up and am going to go for it

As we all know I am not someone who is good at math, but as I was spinning the other evening (note: this does not count toward my mileage to Key West) I was trying to run some high level numbers in my head.  The bikes at my current gym don’t have odometers, but at my last gym they did… and I would average between 30 and 35 miles per class.  I decided to use 30 because it’s an easy number and I know that there are a lot of people that are slower than I in those classes.  Shocking, but true.

SO, stick with me here -

  • 30 miles per class
  • 7 classes a week


  • 210 miles per week
  • 4 and a half weeks to reach my sunny & warm destination

Now, the word on the street is that there will be 2 or more 90 minute cycle classes available and if I take those I can add about 15 miles more each time.  Let’s be real, that won’t do much overall, but it sure sounds good.

As I was climbing my virtual hills, and let's use virtual pretty loosely because those are serious hills when you are riding them, I was also thinking through what I would need to help me get though this challenge.  I feel like the below list would be very helpful.

  • Boudreax’s Butt Paste for chaffing
  • An economy bottle of Advil
  • Some sweet aerodynamic glasses
  • A water bottle with an inspirational message
  • A new pair of the biking ‘diaper pants’

This list is a pretty good start, but I think I will be adding to it once I get undway with this challenge.  The last item is probably the most critical.  If you have never worn a pair of the biking ‘diaper pants’ you are really missing out.  These things are amazing.  They are like leggings with strategically placed padding in the bathing suit area.  I can’t tell you how many times I have secretly thanked the inventors of such revolutionary pants. 

Today I ask you to join me.  Start you own journey to Key West or some other goal that you want to reach J   Once this nonsense gets started I'll keep you up to date on current mileage and locations!!  Stay tuned.

“Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance you must keep moving” – Albert Einstein

Peace out from the biggest girl on the smallest legs.

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