Thursday, January 27, 2011

Feeling Off-Track

Do you know the feeling when you just aren’t exactly right?  I have that feeling this week.  I had a great weigh in on Monday, and have been on track with eating (have not exceeded daily points).  The only possibly explanation is exercise.  I normally am able to exercise much more, but this week is off.  In my defense, I had to get something removed from my leg and have 3 stitches (which sounds WEAK), but it is pretty uncomfortable.  You leg is an odd place to have skin removed because I have learned that as a general rule, leg skin is very tight. 

I think there is a great underlying message here.  I now like exercise.  I said it, it’s out in the universe and I can’t take it back.  I am excited that I have come to rely so much on exercise as a daily part of my life – BUT, the downside comes when I can’t get out there and do it.  I feel like a slug since I missed my spinning class this morning…  and I am going to miss my long run on Saturday with my ladies. L

I am going to take this feeling, and internalize it.  I don’t want to feel like this again.  I want to be able to keep up with my exercise for not only my physical health, but my mental health as well.  Who knew that a spinning class could bring so much sanity to one’s soul?  Before I started back with my regular classes, I probably would have argued that it was some kind of Chinese water torture.

Make sure you are feeding your body and soul what it needs so you can stay on track and hit your goals.

"Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going!" - Jillian Michaels

Peace out from the biggest girl on the smallest legs.

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