Monday, January 10, 2011

Questions for a Higher Power

I am feeling pretty spiritual today.  I think that happens when people have major life events or are just really happy or sad for some particular reason.  I am happy because I lost 5.4 pounds since last Monday.  That’s right folks, a week!  When I heard this fantabulous news, I started thinking about some deeper rooted questions.  Now, these won’t be but so deep because honestly I don’t normally have the time to ponder, but today I am going to take some time just for this topic. 

Who Am I?
This is a hard one, or a REALLY easy one.  If you asked me this question today I would tell you that my name is Stephanie and I am a daughter, wife, friend, auntie, dog mother, neighbor, animal lover, and project manager.  What I would like to say, but wouldn’t would be that I am a fat daughter, fat wife, fat friend, fat auntie, fat dog mother, fat neighbor, fat animal lover, and fat project manager.  Now for those out there that think I meant to say phat instead of fat, don’t get it twisted, I am no Jay-Z but I know the difference. 

I am a good person and I try to live my life aligned to basic principles of doing good things for everyone.  I try to enjoy nature and the larger than life things around me.  I also appreciate the forces that are beyond my control such as the solar system, and being a good cook.  I want to come back to this question later in my journey and see what if anything changes about who I am or who I think I am.

Why Am I Here?
Clearly I am here to class up the joint.  No really, I have no idea why I am here.  I can tell you what I want to do while I am here, but that’s about it.  I know that I want to have a positive impact on people’s lives.  I want to help those that are not as fortunate as I have been.  I am already doing some of this today, but I want it to be bigger.  I don’t want my name in lights…  I just find so much personal satisfaction in having a connection with someone that I can help. 

The most satisfaction I have had to date in this realm is with a non-profit called ‘Rebuilding Together’.  This is such a fantastic program for low income and elderly seniors who own their homes but can’t necessarily do what they need to improve their home, or make it more accessible and livable.  I hope to do more with this group as the years pass.  I also want to make people laugh.  I think laughter is the best medicine and I want to share that with as many people as I can.

Where Will I Be in 5, 10, 15 Years?
My hopeful answer to this question is simple…. ALIVE.  But if I am able to meet that hurdle, this is the question that scares me the most.  Will I be able to live up to my own expectation of myself?  Will I really at the top of the ladder somewhere?  Will I still work for my current employer?  Will I be a people mother (or still just a dog mother)?  Will I still have horses in my life (please god say yes)? Will I be a fatty pants?  Will I be skinny? 

The realization that I have had is that this is all about me.  I own this one.  I have come to understand that I need a life plan, and don’t have one (thank you project manager side).  If I can plan a 10MM project from start to finish, why do I have so many unanswered questions about my life and what I want to do and how I am going to get there?

Life is like a well managed project.  If you have a goal in mind but don’t have an execution plan, you will just spin on small issues, get behind, and go over budget. 

My takeaway will be to sit down and at a high level plan out the next 5, 10, 15, and 20 or so years of my life so I know where I am going and how to get there.  I understand I can’t plan for everything, but it will be better than just aimlessly wandering and hoping for the best.  (plus – I’ll be skinny then!!! WooHoo!!)


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