Monday, January 24, 2011

Today is a GOOD DAY

Today is the start of week 4 with the Weight Watchers program.  I have now experienced 3 full weeks of healthier eating and good focus on daily activity.  I am here to tell you today that it does work, and I have lost 10.7 lbs!!!  WOOT!!!!

I actually am starting to feel like this is less of a ‘diet’ now because I really don’t have to restrict in ways that I have historically restricted.  In the past when I tried to lose weight I would totally remove dinners out, and stock my refrigerator with only things that were green in color.  I am here to tell you that you have to have variety to keep on track, and while my fridge has lots of green roughage in it now, it also has other delish morsels.  I lost 3 lbs this week and I even snuck in froyo, wine, Mexican, birthday cake, etc.  I just made smart choices, and smaller portions.

The beauty of this is that Brant and I still go out to dinner 1 or 2 times a week, and I still get yummy things but I tweak my order a bit.  A great substitution that I found was at our favorite Mexican spot.  Instead of getting the full blown chicken fajitas meal (comes with a guacamole salad and beans too…), I now order the chicken fajitas salad and am 100% satisfied.  It has a lot of good chicken, lots of veggies, some cheese and grilled onions.  All in all, allowing myself to eat out, have a few glasses of wine on the weekends, and balancing all of that with portion and exercise is a winning combination for me!

I am proud today.  Today is a good day.
Now that I have tooted my own horn, I can move on to something a little more interesting.  Actually, probably not more interesting – but I want to talk about it. J

If I have not mentioned this before, I am a member in a small running group of fab lady friends.  I have mentioned in past posts that I am not a runner.  This still holds true.  I can attest to the fact that joining a running group does not make you a better runner.  I had high hopes that some magic would happen, but no luck – I’m still slow and awkward.  This is beside the point though.

Our fab running group meets for our ‘long run’ day on Saturday.  This means that we are running independently during the week to prepare for our big day.  The running group cheerleader (I would also call her the Team Manager) has been kind enough to send us our schedules weekly, so we know exactly what we are supposed to do each day.  This is VERY HELPFUL! 

This week our ‘long run’ day just happened to be on a morning where sweet Mother Nature decided that the temperature should be 16 degrees without factoring in the wind chill.  I chose the picture attached to this post because I could have been wearing nothing more than a speedo and would have expected to be just as cold as I felt!!  As a side note - those are real men, or stupid men.  But kudos to them for letting logic lose in the decisions that led up to this picture.

Back to me. 

Within a minute of starting our run, both of my eyes were watering and my nose was running.  After 2 minutes, I am pretty sure my tears had frozen and my eyeballs were getting cold enough to reduce vision.  After 5 minutes it felt like my throat had completely iced over.  Thankfully I had my dog with me to continue to drag me in the right direction.

In lieu of giving you a parting request,  I would like to share some wisdom with you.  Do not run when it is 16 degrees before factoring in the wind chill.    

Peace out from the biggest girl on the smallest legs.

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