Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rantings from a DEPRIVED Wino

If you have been keeping up with my blog then you are well aware of my Starbuck’s obsession.  If you have not read that post, go back a few days and check it out because it will give a good baseline of how passionately I felt (notice the past tense) about my Venti Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato -  prepared upside-down with 2 Splendas (sometimes extra hot – depends on the situation).  This is important because I am 1000X more passionate about my vino. 

Wine to me is like an adventure.  It’s fun to read about, it’s fun to visit the vineyards, see where/how the grapes are gown, understand the process of picking, smashing, fermenting, bottling, distributing, and finally consumption.  Did I mention that my husband and I planned our honeymoon around wine and wine tasting in Sonoma and Napa, CA?  Well, when I say my husband and I, what I should really say is that I pleaded and he agreed.  That’s what compromising is alllll about ;)

What I loved most about our trip, aside from the panoramic vine vistas, were the tours that took us through their intricate caves, most burrowed pre prohibition.  How fantastic it that?  I have to say that one of my favorite all around tours and tasting was Schramsburg.  This vineyard had a rich history and fantastic sparkling wine.  I am normally not a huge fan of sparkling wine, and prefer my meaty and barnyard like reds – but OMG, I loved me some Schram.  We came home with 2 bottles of Blanc de Blanc and my husband narrowly escaped having me enroll us as lifetime members of their wine club.  He also narrowly escaped this at Opus One, Artesa, Honig, Acacia, and Miner (among MANY MANY others). 

It breaks my poor little heart that there are 5 points in a glass of my delicious meaty barnyard like reds.  In the past I wouldn’t think twice about downing one or three of these enticing and palatable gems, but now my conscious is constantly yapping in the background about “how can you use that many points plus on something to drink”.  If fruit is free, why in the name of all things holy is wine a whopping 5 points plus!!  Oh the humanity!!!!!! 

There is good news here.  I am now consuming much less of this bottled poetry which means I can afford to splurge more on those that I do have.  Don’t get me wrong here, I wasn’t drinking crap just to drink, but the difference between a 20 dollar bottle and a 40 dollar bottle can be significant.  The reality is that I cannot save 15 to 20 points a day for wine because believe me, I have run those numbers through an excel spreadsheet, graphing calculator, and abacus.  So the good news is that although I cannot enjoy it as much as I would like, I can enjoy what a have a little more.  And yes, on Saturday I had enough wine to satiate the wino beast for at least the next 6 days.  And yes, it does hurt a little so say 6 days.

Today, I ask for everyone to think about that one food or drink that you feel like you can’t live without in large quantities, and think about ways to reduce your intake (unless your favorite food is a fruit or non starchy veggie, because if that’s the case you can partake allllll you want!!)

Peace out from the biggest girl on the smallest legs.

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