Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Only 30 More Weeks of 2 Pound Losses.

I didn’t have a great weigh in this week, but I did LOSE! I am still going the right direction. I did a great job with exercise, and I felt like I did a good job with intake, but I did have a little restaurant splurge on Saturday and a few other small splurges during the week. I will not look back and analyze this because I did a good job, and I was living life and not sitting inside a ‘diet box’, as my WW leader calls it.

I am the kind of person that needs a tangible goal. I need to be able to quantify something, wrap my head around it, process it, and then I can commit myself to it. As I sit here today, I need to lose 60 pounds to get to my goal weight. Wow. That is really real when I write it down. 60 POUNDS. I have never lost 60 of anything…. Brain cells maybe, but not much else. Please take a moment to observe the picture of the 60 pound fish. Yes, I need to lose that fish.

OK, so now I have a tangible goal. I need to lose 60 pounds at about 2 lbs per week (yes, I know that this isn’t going to be easy, and I won’t ALWAYS lose 2 a week, but it’s a good round number). This means I have the ability to be at my goal weight by August 16, 2011. For those of you paying attention, that is this year!!! Maybe I should just say that my birthday should be my goal date – September 2nd. What a great present for myself. Last year I got myself a pair of shoes, maybe this year I could get a new wardrobe. (Brant, my dear husband – if you are reading this, start saving for my new wardrobe birthday present now please – Anne Taylor Loft, Banana Republic, and Anthropology would be a fab start!).

Fat girls can always buy themselves shoes because your feet pretty much stay the same size. This year, I want to buy clothing that is significantly smaller than what is in my closet today. I can’t even imagine what a size Medium shirt would be like. I can tell you what it is like today though. It’s like a sausage casing, and it keeps rolling up. Speaking of sausage casing, I’ll tell you what will make you feel that way… Under Armor. It is great stuff and I love it, but my god when I put on an XL shirt it’s like I am trying to put my 3 year old niece’s shirt on. There is another tangible goal – fit into Under Armor shirt without feeling like it is squeezing all of the air out of my lungs.

Well my friends. Another week down and another week is coming full speed ahead. I pledge to myself that I am going to exercise at least 5 times this week (biking, running, spinning, etc). Please pledge to do something kind for yourself this week as well, and don’t worry, you can thank me later. (I accept gift cards of ‘thanks’ to mid-grade couture, as long as they are good through September 2, 2011) ;)

Borrowing my new favorite quote from on of my favorite friends…. I may just add this to each post going forward to remind me of what I need to do.

"Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going!" - Jillian Michaels

Peace out from the biggest girl on the smallest legs.

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